We are the farmers of the heart

Terramore is a Social Promotion Association that brings together souls willing to create and promote
an alternative to the chaotic life of our time.
Some of us live permanently here, others are itinerant and come to visit and help us,
in love with the environment that surrounds us and of the dream that feeds our hearts.

Facilitators of the Retreat and the Community Life experience in nature:

Silvia Costarella

I consider myself the guardian of Mother Nature and a farmer at the service of love and human evolution.

Since childhood, the enthusiasm for expression and connection with the body has been something natural for me.

For many years I have studied contemporary dance, I am passionate about moving and releasing emotions through the harmony of the body. Thanks to the travels, which have accompanied my evolution, and to the wonderful people I met along my path, I felt a new awareness blossom in me that led me to develop a passion for Yoga over the years.

I believe infinitely in the extraordinary power of this ancient practice that allows you to harmonize body, mind and soul. I am a certified teacher of Ancestral Hatha Yoga at Patanjali International Yoga Foundation in Rishikesh in India. Over the years I have enriched my pedagogical bases with more than 400 hours of training in Therapeutic Iyengar Yoga (Academia Internacional Nexo Yoga by Jose Antonio Cao, Tenerife), in Myofascial Yoga (Holistic Yoga Therapy by Helena Chacón, Huelva)
and Aerial Yoga  (Xana Yoga Studio by Cristina Mantecón, Tenerife).

I consider myself a spiritual seeker.

I have been accompanied by a deep interest linked to the development of human potential and to the cosmic energy that unites us all, as if we were cells of a single organism.
The first approach with the “light subtle world” came thanks to the practice of Reiki and the possibility of perceiving the essence of every living being through the centering of the heart and the laying on of hands.
In the last 10 years I have studied issues such as Emotional intelligenceNLP and Coaching with a valuable annual training at the Chamber of Commerce of S/C de Tenerife,  offered by Priscilla González (founder of Innov-Arte) and Jaime Chaves (founder of Human Soluciones).
In particular, I specialized in methods of emotional management and release following different trainings such as TREC (InstitutRET Barcellona – with Dom Di Mattia international lecturer in Rational Behavioral Emotion Therapy) and emotional release techniques (Ho’oponopono, Sedona Method, EFT and Metamedicine with Sonia Arcos).
Over the years I realized the importance of interpersonal process work in order to create regenerative sustainable communities. So I did an intense training as an EDE Designer (Ecovillage Design Education), getting certified with Gaia Education at the Academy of Community Building Schloss Glarisegg in Switzerland.

I have always been passionate about medicinal herbs and spices.

I love to create special infusions and blends using medicinal herbs because I firmly believe that plants are great allies that give precious healing messages in their humility.
Since 2011 I have been studying and applying my knowledge in the world of herbal medicine, naturopathy and natural cosmetics. I have attended some training courses in recent years including: a course of Applied Herbal Medicine with Doctor Francesco Mostaccio (traditional galenic preparations), in India I received an intensive training of Ayurveda (HimVeda), deepening the oriental vision of the 4 elements and doshas applied to daily life.
In 2016 I followed a training in Naturopathy at the UNIPSI institute in Turin.

Nature offers us everything we need to live in harmony and health.

This philosophy is reflected in every aspect of my daily life, especially in terms of conscious and responsible nutrition. Together with Toti, I love experimenting with creative vegetarian and vegan recipes with fresh, organic and local ingredients. Cooking is a real meditative act, a ritual that brings us back to the sacredness of life.

Toti Salemi

My purpose is to offer tools to reconnect with Nature and rediscover the love and peace that reside in our hearts.

Since I was little I have always tried to carve out spaces for inner silence.

Over the years, spontaneously, I have approached meditation and with joy I continue to explore the multitude of paths and philosophies. In order to have the necessary tools to share what I have experienced with others, I trained as Meditation teacher at Ananda – International Institute of Yoga and Meditation.

To learn more about the techniques of Massage and Sound Bath with Tibetan bowls, I trained in Sound Healing in Rishikesh (India). 

During my travels in Central America, coming into contact with the local culture, I have cultivated a great passion for Medicine Music of native peoples.

Toti Handpan

Music accompanied me playing a very important role in my growth and in my relationships.

I like to play various instruments to achieve a deep harmonic union through sound and awareness.

My approach to music is emotional and intuitive.

In 2016 arrives my first Handpan and I begin to study its wonderful sounds until I introduce it on a permanent basis among the instruments I use during my sound baths and meditation concerts.

Inspired by the interest in discovering how music affects our emotions, I specialized in Music Therapy at the UNIPSI institute of Turin.

I participated with my compositions Shanti Love and Light beyond the clouds at the compilation Inward Journey and Passages produced by the Handpan Healing Alliance.

I offer my music and some guided meditations on Insight Timer, one of the most popular meditation apps in the world.

I feel a great connection with the earth and I believe that nowadays cultivating your own vegetable garden is truly a revolutionary gesture.


To be a modern farmer of the heart there is a need to rethink a new relationship with the earth, inspired by natural principles and reciprocity. This is why I passionately put into practice the principle of Fukuoka Zen Natural Agricolture, and Permaculture.

I think it is important to re-establish a more intimate and true contact with Mother Earth in order to be able to recognize ourselves as her guardians. With my personal experience, combined with the tools of Shinrin Yoku, I accompany those who want to follow the call of Nature in guided forest bathing sessions.

I trained in the discipline of Forest Bathing with a specialized course of 150 hours.

Together with Silvia, I love experimenting with creative recipes from the vegetarian and vegan cuisine to bring healthy and balanced dishes to the table to nourish the body and spirit. Cooking consciously for others is a great gesture of love.

In India I finished a training in Ayurveda in order to also apply its principles in nutrition and in building good healthy habits

The Precious Itinerant Collaborators of Terramore


Hello I am Claudio!

I consider myself a great enthusiast and experimenter in Permaculture.
What excites me most about this philosophy is the idea that natural ecosystems can be recreated in which people and animals can live in harmony with Nature. For more than 20 years I have been following international projects promoting sustainable practices. In particular, I specialized in the creation of synergistic gardens, phytodepuration ponds and in the design of Food Forest (edible woods).
In Italy I offer theoretical-practical courses for the creation of plants for the cultivation of spirulina. In addition to the Italian realities, the countries that have inspired me the most at a permacultural level abroad are Costa Rica, Thailand, Uganda and France.
I collaborated with Giuseppe Sannicandro, Anna Bartoli, Anna Satta, Elena Parmigiani, Salvatore Giaccone in Italy. Abroad I consider Ernst Götsch with Syntropic agriculture, Sepp Holzer with his permaculture projects, and of course Fukuoka, with his revolutionary natural agriculture work as great masters.
I firmly believe that permaculture represents the only solution for the future, for sustainable agriculture and a conscious lifestyle.

Hello I am Rosi!

I studied as a naturopath to deepen my knowledge on herbs. For many years I have been cultivating, transforming and experimenting with the distillation of medicinal plants.

I follow the way of Reiki and the way of Mayan Cosmovision. I am passionate about the study of shamanic practices and ceremonies related to the elements.

I offer experiential courses in aromatherapy, energy healing and spontaneous herb recognition. With love I put myself at the service to convey the absolute need to live in harmony with Nature because it is in it that men can find all the answers they need to become authentic and complete human beings.

rosi foto
Pietro Rituani

Hello I am Pietro!

Who I am? It’s a good question.
I prefer to talk about the gifts I have received and developed along the way so far.
The first: a great Thirst for God, for the Truth that inhabits us and that We are.
From there, many meetings and discussions were born also through stays of a few months in the monasteries of Palestine, Jordan and some ashrams in India.
In these places, in addition to the overabundant inner richness, my inner Voice has clearly expressed itself, which guides me and helps me to deepen my listening to Life at all levels, visible and invisible.
The Second: a great Love for Mother Earth and all the Beings who inhabit it.
This led me to explore and experiment with numerous techniques in organic agriculture in its many forms, until I met Syntropic on one side and Electroculture or Vibrational Agriculture on the other. Of the latter sign in particular how to put yourself in a collaborative relationship with the Elemental Beings.
The Third: Willingness to help the person’s evolution process.
This was expressed in the beginning with volunteer missionary activities with Operation Mato Grosso and various social works.
Later, through a practical method of Energetic Cleansing for the subtle part and Facial Reflexology techniques to accelerate the body’s natural self-healing process. I also teach the latter for self-treatment.


Hello I am Rubina!

Nature lover, I sing with guitar or drum to let out and let in.
After jobs of various kinds, I left the hectic life of the city
to dedicate myself to the simplicity of the countryside and authentic relationships.
I am actively involved in natural farming and am an aspiring farmer with back pain.
Traveler by nature, inner researcher by birth.
I bring the beauty of amazement, medicine music, conscious and healthy eating,
acting with the heart.
I sow sharing to reap community.
I sow awareness to reap responsibility.
I sow forgiveness to reap gratitude.
I sow love to reap love.